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Friday, January 4, 2019
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Two men have been arrested and charged in connection with a stabbing in Ephrata, Lancaster County on Friday night. 23 year old Gavin Rea, of Ephrata is facing Aggravated Assault and Simple Assault charges. 27 year old Ceasar Sanchez, of Lancaster, has been charged with Simple Assault, Defiant Trespass and Harassment.
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I also spoke to Mr. Middleton about my dream of having Houston eventually host the most prestigious youth tournament in the state. Right now the Dallas Cup is pretty strong. Through the entire WikiLeaks saga, it seems to some that the non profit has been one step ahead of governments. Assange, while detained, is out on bail through generous donations, he already has a book offer, Sweden has thus failed to extradite him, and the US government is scrambling come up with something, in fact anything, on which to charge him. In addition, WikiLeaks hasn't stopped what it seems to do best, publish..
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Text >Gaudio, who has a great ear for musical elements and has written and produced for,, and, got more involved with Boys just before it hit Broadway, the heart of it was on that stage in La Jolla, and I gotta give credit where credit is due. Text >Valli and Gaudio don say as much about movie version last year, which saw less enthusiastic reviews. (Still, it might fuel interest in the stage show for some.).
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